EIMI STYLEBOOK powered by Tobias Tröndle

Tobias loves modern and classic styles. Hair offers the Wella top professional and hairdresser (Frankfurt) the creative space he needs to create the perfect styling for every customer, appropriate to his or her own individual look. For this purpose he uses EIMI – the hair styling brand for true individualists.
EIMI sets clear statements and expresses every personality perfectly.
Authentic, original and creative – just like Tobias.

Inspired by #Streetstyles from all over the world, EIMI and Tobias present a lot of looks in this stylebook which you can easily style with the matching step-by-steps. EIMI creates, inspires and gives everyone their own Styling ID – for real looks and originality.

Ask us for tips for your personal Styling ID during your next visit.

You can find more styles by Tobias in the ➣ Look Book.


…EIMI and all other hair care and hair styling products currently available -10% discount, in our salon…

EIMI Look Book Stylings by Tobias
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